Spot00031.pngCreating Gobo Textures 



Create Gobo Texture

Spotlight > Visualization

In addition to the gobo images available in the pre-defined commercial gobo projection libraries, any square image can be converted into a gobo projection texture.

Most image-based textures are automatically compressed when imported into a Vectorworks file. Imported JPEG files retain the original JPEG data; all other image files are compressed using lossless PNG format.

To create a gobo texture:

  1. Select the command.

  2. The Create Gobo Texture dialog box opens.

    For more information on editing textures, see Edycja tekstur i atrybutów.

  3. Click OK.

  4. If a resource with an image is already present in the file, the Choose Image dialog box opens.

  5. Select the desired image file and click Open.

  6. If Edit Texture is selected in Step 1, the Edit Texture dialog box opens. Select the desired options and click OK. Click OK again to close the Create Gobo Texture dialog box.

  7. The texture resource is created and displays in the Resource Manager.

  8. Associate a defined texture with an instrument by entering the texture name in the Gobo 1 or Gobo 2 field of a selected instrument’s Object Info palette, and specify the Gobo Rotation, if any.

To save the gobo texture for later use, save it to a file in your user or workgroup folder; see Tworzenie bibliotek użytkowników i grup roboczych.


Editing Gobo Texture Transparency Settings

Inserting a Gobo Projector

Showing Gobo Projections