Spot00066.pngPerforming System Check Calculations

A system check tests the systems in the drawing for solvability and possible failures, but does not calculate forces and deformation. A system check lets you know whether the structures in the drawing may pass when conducting further calculations with the FEA core.

After a system check, information, warning, and danger labels are shown in the drawing, and hoist label fills are colored to reflect their status. Depending on the level of failure, the problems must be fixed to be able to proceed with calculations. Some notifications may refer to data which are failures, but which are deliberate or intentional failures permitted by the selections made in Braceworks preferences (Braceworks required).

Checking Selected Objects



System Check Selected


The System Check Selected command is available for Vectorworks Spotlight software but is not present in the Spotlight workspace. It can be added to the Spotlight workspace (see Tworzenie i edycja środowisk roboczych).

To check selected objects:

  1. Select the objects to check. Only the selected objects are considered when running the check.

  2. Select the command.

  3. The system check runs on the selected objects, and the Calculation Overview dialog box opens.

    If the system check finds issues with the selected objects, a descriptive label, categorized by color (information, warning, or danger) is inserted in the drawing for each problem object. The problem is listed in the Calculation Overview dialog box.

  4. Click OK. If no problems are found and the system is considered solvable, proceed to checking all objects.

Checking All Objects



System Check All Objects


The System Check All Objects command is available for Vectorworks Spotlight software but is not present in the Spotlight workspace. It can be added to the Spotlight workspace (see Tworzenie i edycja środowisk roboczych).

To check all objects:

  1. Select the command.

  2. The system check runs on the Braceworks system objects, and the Calculation Overview dialog box opens. If the system check finds issues with the objects, a descriptive label, categorized by color (information, warning, or danger) is inserted in the drawing for each problem object. The problem is listed in the Calculation Overview dialog box.

  3. Click OK. If no problems are found and the system is considered solvable, proceed to Performing Calculations (Braceworks required).


Calculation Overview

Performing Calculations