Spot00031.pngInserting Connections Automatically



Insert Drop


The Insert Drop command is available for Vectorworks Spotlight software but is not present in the Spotlight workspace. It can be added to the Spotlight workspace (see Tworzenie i edycja środowisk roboczych).

Selected structural elements can be connected automatically with drops (hoists or dead hang objects) at likely connection points with the Insert Drop command.

To connect structural elements automatically:

  1. Select the two structural elements to be connected.

  2. Select the command.

  3. The Insert Drop dialog box opens.

  4. Select whether to insert a hoist or dead hang object. From the Resource Selector, select the symbol to insert.

The selected drop is inserted at possible connection points between the structural elements.



Inserting Specific Connections and Stacking Structural Elements

Placing Hoists

Placing Dead Hang Objects